Sunday, February 4, 2007

Praise Bob!

I have just recieved word from our sister fellowship, the Sacred Order of the Pittl Bob. The lovely Sister Skids has come up with a design for choir robes.

And of course, modeling them is our dear Brudda Pepper. This is a HOLY man. I believed myself to be an expert in condiments - HE is a MASTER. I am so fortunate to have apprenticed with him. Just his knowledge of beets and how to use them made me weep.

I digress, the point is that we might not have a choir but I believe that checkered robes are the most sensible bowling attire. Fear not, oh ye of little faith, I have put away the sacred sewing machine, so I will not be creating these any time in the near future. Father Shpritzer is afraid I might use the purple fabric for robes. No! We are not Heaven's Gate! We will not be wearing purple robes and new nike shoes! Those mislead souls were worshipping some UFO trailing behind comet Hail Bop.

WE are simply saying "Hail BOB" and he is not trailing behind anything, he IS the UFO!


(And if it comes to a Kool Aid situation, we will be wearing red checkered tablecloths and OLD, worn out Nikes with dog doo or gum on every tainted soul -sole.)

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