Sunday, February 4, 2007

Our First Service

Our First Gathering

We gathered for the first time on January 15, 2005. We bowed our heads and took the Lord into ourselves. Some of us used forks. We recieved the spirit of the Bob and were anointed with ketchup. Brother John was most impressive with his heroic effort. He partook of a combo, a shake and AN ADDITIONAL BURGER. May he serve as an inspiration to us all! Brother Greg was, alas, the only to partake of the sacred Sundae. May we all strive to be a little more like Brother Greg in our daily lives.

The Flock With Greg

Brother Felix, Sister Peaches, Father Shpritzer, Mother Fluffer, Brother Greg

The FLock with John

Brother John, Sister Peaches, Father Shpritzer, Mother Fluffer, Brother Felix

Brother Zack and Brother Bill, prepared the sermon for the day. Sister Peaches made a stunning effort in choosing sacrament of the deep fried sector. Even those who were not in our flock, bowed their heads in prayer as Mother Fluffer worshipped the Bob the way HE likes it.

Folks Hang They Heads

The congregation then made a pilgrimage to the lanes of Pickwick to join in bowling worship. Alas this was not Bob's will for he did not maketh a place for us. We searched for another place to hold our ceremonies, but it seemed quite futile. Had the Bob foresaken us? Suddenly, Sister Peaches had a vision and began speaking in tongues! She knew the way! She guided our weary and well fed souls to the Golf of Miniature! It was a glorious Revival! And though we feared for our lives and our eyeballs when sister Peaches picked up her club, not a single soul was permanently mamed!


Bob Lives!

May we also honor our sister congregation, the Sacred Order of the Pitl Bob who have provided us with our holy statue (which cost $7,000.00!) It is truly a spiritual relic and it cries mustard tears every other Tuesday. (Hey, so does my cat!)

Praise Bob!

I have just recieved word from our sister fellowship, the Sacred Order of the Pittl Bob. The lovely Sister Skids has come up with a design for choir robes.

And of course, modeling them is our dear Brudda Pepper. This is a HOLY man. I believed myself to be an expert in condiments - HE is a MASTER. I am so fortunate to have apprenticed with him. Just his knowledge of beets and how to use them made me weep.

I digress, the point is that we might not have a choir but I believe that checkered robes are the most sensible bowling attire. Fear not, oh ye of little faith, I have put away the sacred sewing machine, so I will not be creating these any time in the near future. Father Shpritzer is afraid I might use the purple fabric for robes. No! We are not Heaven's Gate! We will not be wearing purple robes and new nike shoes! Those mislead souls were worshipping some UFO trailing behind comet Hail Bop.

WE are simply saying "Hail BOB" and he is not trailing behind anything, he IS the UFO!


(And if it comes to a Kool Aid situation, we will be wearing red checkered tablecloths and OLD, worn out Nikes with dog doo or gum on every tainted soul -sole.)

Pittl People

My dearest Sister Skids who is also known as Lambuckey (because she is truly a lamb of God and because she can't type) has come up with another blessed inspiration:

She suggests that we make a special pilgrimage on (or around) March 17th so that we may worship Saint Patty Melt.

But of course! Praises to Sister Skids!

BTW Mother Fluffer and Sister Skids began our servitude of the lord back in a nunnery in London...Here's a snapshot:

But that is another story, for another time.

May Bob Bless You all in Every Way!

Mother Fluffer

And speaking of our histories, Father Shpritzer used to teach Sundae School.


Witness Mobile

Oh praise the Bob!

I just recieved word from Brother Felix. We may soon be able to spread the word of the good menu far and wide!

Dear Mother Fluffer,

I was in San Diego this past weekend on a retreat and found a lovely RV
that we can use for our ministry.  As you will see, Bob is helping to
bring it back to our fold.  Unfortunately, the previous owners have
misspelled Sundae so we will have to make some modifications before it is
acceptable for our next ministry field trip.  These are actual photos I
took before Bob backed out of the parking lot and headed for the I-5.

Love, Brother Felix

Won't we look so fine when we witness in this beauty? I may have to get a new outfit!

Mother Fluffer

Our Second Gathering

We joined together on  February 11. Brother Greg was unable to attend as he was previously egaged in video game designing exile. Hopefully his new masters will allow him to worship next month.

Please be aware that Brother John has undergone a name change. As he hit a milestone birthday this month (I won't say his age but it rhymes with "nifty") We were going to call him "Elder John" But Father Zack decided that brother John could be exalted in postition and shall now be known as "Father Time"

Mmm, Sacrament

Since we gathered on a Saturday, a Jewish service was conducted.  After ritual Sundae and hot fudge cake, we then made our way to the appropriate bowling alley.

At first I must admit we were a little taken aback by how high brow this establishment was. The decor was obviously designer and the bathrooms were simply elegant. It was easy to feel intimidated. Even the simple chairs exuded a feeling of luxury.


We bowled with Bob in our hearts.  Father Time bowled his best game ever; this we believe is due to his partaking of the sacred Sundae. Mother Fluffer bowled her worst game ever; we have no explantion for this but it must have been the work of the devil.

All was good and we look forward to our next gathering on March 12 when we honor Saint Patty Melt. Afterwards we will make a Pilgrimage to the house of Father Shpritzer and Brother Felix where we will have Saint Patio Party

'Till Then, May Bob Be With You

Chick Tracts for Bob

Vegas Repents

Sin City is on the road to Salvation!

Father Shrpitzer and Brother Felix found that a brand new place of worship has been erected in Las Vegas! Mother Fluffer and Sister Peaches will be meeting with the Sacred order of the Pitl Bob in this vile and wicked city during the month of August. We are all relieved to know that there will be a sanctuary where we may cleanse ourselves of the evils of poker machines and have a side of fries.

Salvation to Go!

With such new and modern conveniences there is simply no reason to wallow in sin! Some towns have been in such desperate depravity that they have had to make haste in establishing places of worship.

This community did not have time to wait for a proper church to be erected. But the good Bob knows that any erection made in his name is a call for him to come.

Blessed is he who knows the Bob

We're No Saints

And here we are, experiencing the eucharistic devinity of RED MEAT!

Say East...

Say West...

NOBODY partook of Patty Melt, And the Bob declared rain apon us!

But WE are mighty and can play ANY game under ANY conditions!

There was a winner!

The gift of cereal

The gift that GIVES..

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Cocktails!


Look at this nice house!

Wonderful Hosts


Long Live Pattys Everywhere!

Palm Sundae

Our Fourth Service

The Church of Bob has been alive and well for longer than a fiscal quarter. PRAISE BOB!

Here is a picture of our humble flock. Brother Greg, is still in game designer purgatory. He could only join us for communion and in order to do that he had to disguise himself as Popeye.

Next time you play a game, remember the selfless, overworked people who create such pleasures. They are to be admired ... but would prefer higher pay and decent hours. We love you Brother Greg, and we missed you!

Now eat your spinach!

On to Universal! (Sans Brother Greg, Waaa! Beginning to hate anything that is liquid..or maybe I just have rabies.)

While we wanted to have our own good time, we also had a mission.

Oh sure we had our fun..

But we knew we had our work to do.

The Church of Bob often deals with Exorcisms. A terrible Werewolf needed our help. Father Shpritzer and Mother Fluffer are pictured here but we ALL ran to his aid.

Clearly, behind this hideous exterior lies the face of an angel.

This is more than COB can handle... we needed back up troops...

Lassie! Save Timmy!

Selfish fucks that we are, we left him with the dog and went on about our day..

Peaches and Fluff ran into Al Frankin! We were sad to see that he is now a waiter (guess the last book didn't sell so good) but he let us both handle his stick.

Some say that G forces are the work of the devil.I can understand this. But I, Mother Fluffer, personally belive that G forces are the forces of God.

Can it be argued? Clearly Mother Fluffer is recieving some kind of spiritual gift.

Brother Felix recieves the spirit even louder!So does Sister Peaches!!! Fluff prays.

Father Shpritzer and Father Time watched over us.

Our selfless flock abandoned festivities early so that Mother Fluffer could pick up the Altered Boy. Sister Peaches and Father Time went to the

There, it was witnessed, that Father Time is really Saint Francis.

Bob bless him!

Bob Bless Us All!