Sunday, February 4, 2007

Our First Service

Our First Gathering

We gathered for the first time on January 15, 2005. We bowed our heads and took the Lord into ourselves. Some of us used forks. We recieved the spirit of the Bob and were anointed with ketchup. Brother John was most impressive with his heroic effort. He partook of a combo, a shake and AN ADDITIONAL BURGER. May he serve as an inspiration to us all! Brother Greg was, alas, the only to partake of the sacred Sundae. May we all strive to be a little more like Brother Greg in our daily lives.

The Flock With Greg

Brother Felix, Sister Peaches, Father Shpritzer, Mother Fluffer, Brother Greg

The FLock with John

Brother John, Sister Peaches, Father Shpritzer, Mother Fluffer, Brother Felix

Brother Zack and Brother Bill, prepared the sermon for the day. Sister Peaches made a stunning effort in choosing sacrament of the deep fried sector. Even those who were not in our flock, bowed their heads in prayer as Mother Fluffer worshipped the Bob the way HE likes it.

Folks Hang They Heads

The congregation then made a pilgrimage to the lanes of Pickwick to join in bowling worship. Alas this was not Bob's will for he did not maketh a place for us. We searched for another place to hold our ceremonies, but it seemed quite futile. Had the Bob foresaken us? Suddenly, Sister Peaches had a vision and began speaking in tongues! She knew the way! She guided our weary and well fed souls to the Golf of Miniature! It was a glorious Revival! And though we feared for our lives and our eyeballs when sister Peaches picked up her club, not a single soul was permanently mamed!


Bob Lives!

May we also honor our sister congregation, the Sacred Order of the Pitl Bob who have provided us with our holy statue (which cost $7,000.00!) It is truly a spiritual relic and it cries mustard tears every other Tuesday. (Hey, so does my cat!)

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